Přinášíme vám PR Webinář se Samem Santiagem, ředitelem pro diverzitu, rovnost příležitostí a inkluzi v Ross Stores, oceňovaným profesionálem v oboru s více než 30 lety zkušeností, dříve působícím také například v American Airlines jako viceprezident a fund manager pro American Airlines Family Fund. Webinář se uskuteční v anglickém jazyce a je určen primárně pro ředitele komunikace a HR.

Globalization has created, in a variety of industries and in many countries around the world, very diverse workplaces. Diversity of languages, nationalities, genders, etc. is evident in workplaces around the world at levels never seen or experienced ever before. The Czech Republic is no exception. While most people think that advancing diversity is the responsibility of the CEO/Owner, Company Directors or the Human Resources Team, the reality is that we all have a role to play. What is the role for the Public Relations function?


 What is diversity, equity and inclusion?

► What is the state of diversity in the Czech Republic?

► What is the role of the Public Relations function in advancing diversity in the workplace?

Webinář je zdarma pro všechny zájemce. Obsah koncipujeme zejména pro seniorní profesionály v oblasti managementu a řízení lidských zdrojů, budeme proto rádi, pokud nasdílíte pozvánku na akci svým kolegům na pozici ředitele komunikace, human relations a dalším kolegům s víceletou praxí v oboru.


Kdo se přijde podělit o své znalosti a dovednosti

Sam Santiago

Sam Santiago is a Certified Diversity Executive™ (CDE) and award-winning diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) professional with over 30 years of experience in the travel, hospitality, health and retail industries. He’s served in different DE&I and corporate social responsibility (CSR) roles with American Airlines, Hilton Worldwide, the American Heart Association and countless non-profit boards and committees at national and international levels. He joined Ross Stores, Inc. in November 2020 as a member of the new DE&I Team responsible for developing and executing on the company’s expanding commitment to diversity, equality and inclusion. As an advocate for the value of volunteering, he also serves as the Chair of the Arts and Culture Advisory Commission for the City of Dallas, Texas, USA.

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Místo konání

Microsoft Teams

Kontakt pro účastníky

Gabriela Lokšan
+420 775 331 791